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Researching law schools near Los Angeles? The Colleges of Law offer affordable, convenient, hands-on programs. Many of our professors and alumni are practicing professionals in and around Ventura and Santa Barbara, making the campuses an integral part of these communities.

The Colleges of Law Campuses

Researching law schools near Los Angeles? The Colleges of Law offer affordable, convenient, hands-on programs. Not only are our campuses located in two of Southern California’s vibrant, diverse coastal communities, but they are also an integral part of those communities. Many of our professors and alumni are practicing professionals in and around Ventura and Santa Barbara, giving back through their work and their proud support of the Colleges. Learn more about our Santa Barbara, Ventura, and online programs.


A beachside community nestled along the central California coast, Santa Barbara has hosted one of our campus locations since 1997 and even been ranked as one of the top 100 places to live in the U.S. Our connection with the local Santa Barabara community affords our graduates extensive networking opportunities to help advance their career. Learn more about our Santa Barbara campus.

20 E. Victoria Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

805.979.9865 (admissions)
805.966.7181 (fax)

[email protected]


Ventura is a California coastal community located just north of L.A. The Ventura County Bar Association is located at our Ventura campus providing students extensive opportunities to engage with the local legal community.

4475 Market Street
Ventura, CA 93003

805.765.9732 (admissions)
805.966.7181 (fax)

[email protected]

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